Cambrian Wildwood Land Purchase

by | Oct 14, 2014 | News | 0 comments

The Cambrian Wildwood team is working hard to raise money for land purchase. This is all done by volunteers, as the charity has no paid staff yet. We still need to find about 900K and we have a target to raise it by early 2015. Even if we manage to raise some of the money through grants, there will still be a substantial amount required through private donations, and this is the rationale behind the Wildwood Founder scheme.

If you are on this mailing list, it means you have already donated or volunteered or expressed an interest in Cambrian Wildwood, so you share our vision for more wild nature. To raise the amount needed, we have to reach as many people as possible through networking as well as the media. Can you help us with this networking? All you need to do is send a message to all your contacts, via email or Facebook for example, and let them know about Cambrian Wildwood and our search for Wildwood Founders, pointing them in the direction of the website: and our Facebook page

If you can go the extra mile, how about putting an article into your old school or university alumni magazine or other newsletter? We could provide you with a ready-made article if you like, just get in touch.

To be a Wildwood Founder, a donation of at least £300 is needed. In return, people receive a Founder’s certificate and are named on the list of Founders, as well as receiving the newsletter by email. If anyone wishes to donate but finds this amount is too much in one go, it is possible to donate by instalments.

If you share our passion for restoring wild nature to Britain we hope that you can help us make the Cambrian Wildwood a reality.

Trustee Vacancy

Cambrian Wildwood is run by the charity Wales Wild Land Foundation. The charity currently has a vacancy on the board of trustees. We would welcome anyone who is enthusiastic about wildlife and inspired by the Cambrian Wildwood vision, and if you have professional skills to offer (marketing, for example) so much the better. We are particularly keen to have more people fluent in Welsh.

You must be interested in taking up a hands-on role in decision making and governance of the charity. Board meetings are quarterly and usually take place in Aberystwyth and occasionally Machynlleth.

If you think you might be interested, please contact us to discuss.


Thank you for reading
Cambrian Wildwood Team